Far Infrared can stimulate a significant increase in cell growth, DNA synthesis and protein synthesis in cells. Materials emitting far-infrared (FIR) energy appear capable of potentiating functions of white blood cells. These functions include increased immune defense response in which white blood cells surround and ingest small living things (such as bacteria) and cell wastes. Germanium is a semiconductor element that has a band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. It is transparent to FIR and has unique absorbing powers. Bio-Energetic bracelets are made with cabochon shaped germanium which is in powder form. Germanium's natural ability to emit negative ions and FIR's ability to penetrate makes it have a healthy function effect
2. How Far infrared works in the human body? .........Our bodies are made up of cells, and the most important ingredients in cells are water. Water makes up 65% to 70% of the mass of the human body. The cells in the body in turn form the various organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, blood vessels, nerves, bones and skin. Far Infrared energy is able to activate, revitalize, reactivate, develop and strengthen the various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed. In the various organs of the human body, the blood circulatory system plays an important role, especially the micro-circulatory system. It is the basis of the sustenance of life because if it deteriorates, death is likely to follow. When there are diseases and disorders with the micro-circulatory system, various ailments will occur.
Far Infrared energy vibrating at a frequency similar to that of the human body are able to enter the body, activate the cells and reactivate as well as strengthen the micro-circulatory system. Far-infrared light penetrates beyond the skin level and is absorbed efficiently by cells below. When we put on the Bio-Energetic Titanium bracelet with Germanium powder, it allows Far-infrared energy to penetrate up to 4 centimeters (about 1-1/2 inches), exciting the vibration energy of molecules and resonating with cellular frequencies. The water molecules in the body begin to vibrate which causes heat reaction through resonant absorption. When the temperature under the skin increases, our capillaries expand which promotes increased blood circulation. This response eliminates obstacles that hinder metabolism and activates the tissues which in turn produce certain enzymes. It regulates the flow of blood and normalizes the various systems of the body. It is able to reactivate the flow of blood in blood vessels which have been blocked due to abundant blood and at the same time reactivate the vital energy in the body.
The various activities of the human body depend on the supply of nutrients. Nutrients ingested into our bodies provide us with energy and help sustain our lives. At the same time, waste matters which are produced after the nutrients have been absorbed have to be removed from the body. The process is known as metabolism. Far Infrared energy is able to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. As the transport of the nutrients in the body depends on blood circulation, the removal of metabolic waste matters from the various activities in the body is also dependent on the circulatory system. When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of Far Infrared Rays, it will naturally improve our metabolism which in turn improves our energy and vitality. This is part of the effects of the improvement in the micro-circulatory system and metabolism of the body. It helps to slow down the ageing process, increases resistance against diseases and increases longevity.

- relief of pain and inflammation
- stimulation of tissue
- increase blood circulation
- increased oxygen to the tissues
- improves functioning of immune system
The history of Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy dates back to 800 b.c when physicians in ancient Greece, Egypt, and China practiced it. It was described in the books of Homer, Hippocrates, and Aristotle. This ancient knowledge is now rediscovered, as people all over the world are searching for natural alternatives from modern medicine for healthy, energetic lives. Magnetic therapy is and widely accepted and widely used in Germany , Italy, England , France, Spain and Russia.
What is magnetic therapy?
Magnetic therapy is safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. Whether used independently or as an adjunct to your current treatment, magnetic therapy provides effective natural pain relief for a wide range of conditions, making it an excellent choice for anyone it helps speed the healing process and can improve quality of sleep without any adverse side effects..
What are the benefits of magnetic therapy
The haemoglobin‘s ability to absorb oxygen molecules improves .Therefore the capacity of oxygen in the blood stream is increased, which improves the body ‘s energy levels Inactive blood cells are strengthened and the number of blood cells is increased.
The blood vessels expand slightly, which implies that an increased volume of blood reaches the body cells. Nutrition is supplied and toxins are removed faster and more effectively. Cholesterol is reduced and waste products are removed from the walls of the blood vessels reducing blood pressure. The migration of calcium ions is changed. Calcium taken away from arthritic joints.
- The Ph balance of the body fluids is stabilized (acid/alkaline)
- Hormone production release is increased or decreased according to the body’s requirements at the time of treatment.
- The activities of enzymes are altered according to body requirements.
- The speed at which body cells are renewed is increased. Hence it has an anti-aging effect.
- It assists in regulating the function of the nerves.
- Increased metabolism
- Relief from stress and fatique
- Regulation of the nervous system
- Elimination of harmful toxins
Note: not to be used by persons with pacemakers or who are pregnant.
Bio Energy Pendant – Secret to Longevity
Bio Pendant is produced by combining over 30 types of 100% natural material and mineral. It is heat up at 1,600 °C by using Korea high technology. Its unique internal structures can collect, focus & emit energy to re-balance our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being. The principle of conservation of energy is perpetual but can be transformed. During the process of transformation, part of the energy will be converted into heat in order to maintain its balanced condition. The resultant heat produced must then be dispersed through processes such as emission or radiation, and a portion of it is converted into energy. It is capable of absorbing heat energy and instantly transforming the energy into a 4-16μ wavelength bio-energy that can promote the molecular activities of water molecules in bodily organs, thereby benefiting the elevating blood circulatory systems, body’s metabolic functions and thus helping to achieve better healthcare functions.
Effect of Bio Energy Pendant
Body temperature change, blood cell change and brain wave change after wearing Bio Pendant in an hour. The heat generated from a human’s body is indicated by blood passing under the skin. When the rate of blood flow increases, temperature goes up and when the rate of blood flow decreases, the body’s temperature goes down. We can see blood circulation is evenly carried out. Negative Ions have been confirmed to be effective in increasing the activity of alpha waves, Increase body Energy, enhancing the body’s condition, and improving concentration ability!
Far Infra Ray Energy
Far-Infrared rays indicate infrared rays with a wavelength of 25 or more, namely, infrared rays with a long wavelength. Infrared rays have a longer wavelength than the red realm of a visible ray and are a kind of electronic wave with great heat action. The far-infrared is invisible, well absorbed into materials and has strong actions of resonance and sympathetic vibrations regarding organic compound's molecules. This heat action helps remove bacteria, which become the cause of various diseases, expands capillaries and helps circulation of blood and generation of cell tissues. When this heat contacts moisture and protein molecules composing a cell, it delicately vibrates the cell 2,000 times per minute, activates cell tissue, and is effective for prevention of various adult diseases, such as prevention of aging, promotion of metabolism and chronic fatigue. In addition, the far-infrared rays have an effect on diaphoresis, pain relief, removal of heavy metals, sound sleep, deodorization, prevention of fungi propagation, moisture removal and air purification.
Negative Ion
Anion is an active invisible particle with a negative electrical charge, and its activity (Bio Energy) becomes the driving force to bring back our lives and our health because it freely wanders about in the air. Electron is an ion with a negative electrical charge. By colliding with oxygen molecules, it turns the oxygen molecules into an ion with a negative electric charge; this is called oxygen anion or just anion. The ions in the air change according to meteorological conditions. When a cold front and a low pressure pass through, positive ions increase therefore, there are reports that the possibility of outbreak of neuralgia, asthma and apoplexy is high due to the decrease of anions and increase of positive ions within the human body. We feel refreshed in forests, around falls or beaches with big waves, and the reason derives from anions. In the stable atmospheric state, the ratio of anions and positive ions are about 1:2.In general, positive ions are distributed in polluted areas and anions are distributed in clean nature. If we breathe in anions, it promotes our cells' metabolism and increases vitality, cleans blood and is effective for stability of nerves, exhaustion recovery and improvement of appetite. Therefore, an anion is even called the vitamin of the air.
Revitalizes Body
Improves blood circulation, enhances kidney functions and stabilizes the general body condition.
Balances the autonomic nervous system
The negative ions will stimulate & regulate the autonomic nervous system effectively
Increase blood circulation and body resistance
Activates water molecule, reduces blood viscosity, regulates blood pressure and prevents clogging of blood vessels. Enhances body resistance and improves immune system and natural healing ability.
Activate cell and water molecules improves metabilism
Far Infra Ray (FIR) generates the resonance and activation of water molecules in our body. Improves the oxygen flow, has anti-aging properties. It’s Speeds up interactivity between ions in the inner and outer layer cell, enabling sufficient nutrient to be transported to the cell, and discharges unwanted waste from the body. Enhance the metabolism and improves cell’s function rapidly.
Pain relief
Anions increase ionized calcium, generate endorphins and enkephalins and thus help recovery from fatigue and strengthen physical strength, as well as make the cells in the human body with severe pain healthy again, circulate blood well, and relieve pain.
(Extracted from the thesis of Dr. Cruiser of U.C. Berkeley and Dr. Moore of University of Michigan and Dr. Yamano)

Original Energy Pendant is Best Life Enhancing Product on Market
Almost everyone who holds this beautiful pendant feels the energy from it; and by wearing it, most notice a feeling of peace and calm. By wearing Energy product all the time, you are simply effortlessly raising your vibratory frequency, directly connecting you to your higher self.
A new life enhancing product, the Energy Pendant, is now available at www.glxglobal.com.
The Pendant is the culmination of research from visionary and co-creator, has combined her many talents with the research of master radiesthesiast and researcher, to create this project. They are highly committed to design the most protective and transformational energy possible while ensuring that it is beautifully balanced.
The highly-refined energy generated by the Energy Pendant is the same used by practitioner of Feng Shui in Tibet and China. Known as the Sap in the Kabala Tree of Life, the energy has been linked throughout the ages with higher states of consciousness, abundance and longevity. The great pharaohs of Egypt employed this energy in the King's Chamber of the more significant pyramids.
Detailed Product Description
Energy Pendant is a natural energy generating device which improves metabolic and circulatory functions of the body to achieve optimal holistic health. The Stone energy is volcanic eruption after igneous rock form by magma, which after years of wind and rain water , produces active energy ingredients inside , Using advance technology and combined nanotechnology and heat fusion methods for the pendant ,It is able to produce and regulate energy level suitable to human form . It works by radiating natural energy which has definite positive effects on the body including.
- Is rich of trace elements that can release large negative Anions and Far Infrared Ray, when human body contact, it can naturally effective balance meridian system and stabilize human’s magnetic field
- Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body facilitating the entry nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells.
- Help your cells return to their 'rhythm of life' and regain their ability to repair themselves.
- Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules (micro-clusters) which has better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers. Increase trans membrane potential.
- Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation.
- Reduce Inflammation.
Regular exposure to the Energy Pendant can:
- increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body . This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds are what hold your DNA together.
- improve cell wall permeability, facilitating the intake of nutrients into each hand every cell and the elimination of waste from reduced size of water molecules.
- decrease the surface tension bodies ultimate carried, the water molecules thereby significantly reducing the time required for your body to assimilate nutrients.
- cleanse the blood of toxins
- eliminate and nullify the effects of man made frequencies in the human body
eg: computers, handphone & other electrical appliances. - improve mental focus (as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies).
- Slow down ageing process
- play a significant role in preventing and or reversing diseases.
- work as an antidepressant.
- improve immune function.
- increases oxygen supply to blood stream
- calm the body and reduce stress level , headaches and migraine
- Help to fight against cancer
- Improve on digestive discomfort, constipation , help ease conditioning gastrointestinal tract and accelerate burning of fat.
- Ultimately improved on your lifestyles.
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